Brilliant magic trick that Apple used to launch the iPhone 6

Ever been to a magic show?

The magician’s job is misdirection. He sends your attention one way while performing the actual trick out of sight.

Magic 101.

If you missed it, Apple announced the new iPhone 6 and Apple Watch on Tuesday. Any time Apple has a launch, Videofruit HQ shuts down and pays close attention. I’m always looking for ways to make my business better and Apple has some of the best marketers in the world. However, I was a little disappointed afterwards.

Every article I’ve read from the “marketing experts” covered the misdirection, not the actual trick.

Today I want to show you one of Apple’s “tricks.” The best part is that it’s something you can implement in your business immediately, no matter what stage you’re at or how big you are.

It’s called the Launch Giveaway

… and it has the ability to boost your buy rate from 10% to 60%.

This is how Apple did it: 

Untitled 2.001

Untitled 2.002

Untitled 4.003 Untitled 4.004 Untitled 2.005

Untitled 4.006

Untitled 2.007

Make sense?

It’s freaking brilliant.

Step 1: Announce a new product (but don’t ask anyone to buy).

Step 2: Unexpectedly give your existing customers something awesome.

Step 3: Ask them to buy the new thing you just announced.

Why does this work so well?

This works because an existing customer is much more likely to buy from you then someone who has never bought from you before.

Check out this stat from White House Office of Consumer Affairs (source):

In other words, 60 out of 100 people who have bought something from you in the past will buy your new product from you, whereas 5 out of 100 people–who have never bought from you before–will buy your new product.

If a regular ole existing customer is 60%-70% more likely to buy from you, how much more likely is it a VERY EXCITED fan that you just unexpectedly gave something to buy?

Answer = Very Likely.

Sure, there area lot of variables involved and just giving people stuff will not convince them to buy. However, assuming you are not a shady internet marketer that hangs out in your mom’s basement eating Cheetos all day while scamming people, this is a strategy that should boost your conversions immediately.

How can you implement this in your business?

Launch sequences can be tricky. There are so many things you CAN do that it can be tough to know WHAT to do.

Over the next 2 weeks I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about launching your product and profiting from that list we’ve been building.

This series will include case studies, teardowns and interviews with some of the biggest names online.

Whether you have an info product, service-based business or a SaaS model, you have to have a plan together when you launch.

A proper launch sequence can be the difference between a $10,000 launch and an $80,000 launch.

I’ll also be sharing my experience of launching 3 different products over the last 12 months.

Next week we’ll dissect Nathan Barry’s latest launch. We’ll completely break down and reverse engineer it. You’ll learn how he launched to a VERY small portion of his list and brought in over $15,000 in 2 days.

Stay tuned.

Question: Do you have any specific questions on launching? If so, leave them below.