NO. But, but, but… NO! Full explanation (click to zoom): … PS: Know someone that needs this? (click to share)
How Jeff re-launched an old product and made $2,500,000
“What’s next?” Everyone who’s ever launched a product—a book, an event, a course—has asked this question. It’s the number-one question…
How to guarantee at least 120 people read your first blog post
I talk to myself a lot. This is one conversation I had for years: Optimistic Me: “Bryan, you should start…
Why things take 100x longer than you think they should
I hate grocery stores. I mean, how am I expected to ever find a can of beef broth in an…
How to make $1,000 in the next 14 days without an idea
Here is the quickest way I know of to start a business and make $1000. It requires: NO money NO website…
The Making of SmartBribe [24-hour Product Challenge]
6 months ago I published this blog post. It outlined a rad traffic and viral sharing strategy that the team over…
How we wrote, recorded and published a book in 24-hours
The lowdown on what’s going down: Ever since starting the Videofruit blog, I’ve been hyper focused on one thing: list…
How much is a blog comment worth? (We ran the numbers!)
Blog comments… Are they good or bad? Vanity metric or valuable metric? Over the past 2 years the cool thing to…
Check out what SumoMe is doing to get more traffic
How do you get more traffic?
Easy. Bribe people to tell their friends about you.
Think about it…
A few years back I started using Dropbox. Shortly after I signed up, they told me that if I would refer a few friends to use their service, then they would give me more storage.
Referring people is easy. So I did. And as a result they upgraded me from 2GB of storage to 10GB.
This is called an ethical bribe and it’s extremely effective.
How can you use this?
Check out what Noah Kagan and the team over at SumoMe are doing.
“Worry, doubt and fear”: A video essay
Yesterday I ate lunch with an 80 year old man who still gets up at 6am every morning.
He volunteers at a local parking lot where he spends each morning monitoring the lot for 2 hours. He does this so that he can talk to the high school kids who park there for school each day.
His mission?
Encourage them. Bless them. Be there for them. Speak positivity into their lives.
The next 2 hours of his morning he spends reading. Mostly scholarly works pertaining to his Christian faith.
But he challenges himself. He challenges his ideals and beliefs every single day.
He’s currently obsessed with Buddha. (he has some really interesting theories pertaining to him)
Then the next hour he spends writing. Articles. Blog posts. Speeches he might give one day. Anything that comes to mind.
He does all of this by 11am each morning.
When I asked him why he followed this routine, he responded