I was talking with a friend this morning and he told me all about a new project he is about to launch.
He was excited and thought he could make a decent amount of money with it.
It sounded interesting, so I asked him how much it cost.
His response: “$5.99!”
There are a lot of reasons to sell a product for $5.99, but making money isn’t one.
My friend has a good size audience, big email list and massive social following. That low of a price point should be reserved for traditional book publishing deals that are getting you exposure and access that no other medium can.
But for making money? Not interested.
Or … maybe I am.
Shortly after having that conversation I was driving down the road checking Facebook and saw this ad…
…annnnnd I immediately changed my mind about my friends $5.99 product.
Because the process behind this Facebook ad is freaking genius.
Jeff (the guy who ran the Facebook ad) has engineered a formula that turns his $5.99 book into a $197 product (and eventually a pitch for his $2,000 flag ship product).
It’s freaking brilliant.
Here is a detailed analysis of how it works:
Jeff starts this campaign by running multiple Facebook ads. I first saw the ad for the book in the mobile version of Facebook and then several days later they started appearing on my desktop feed as well.
The sole purpose of the ad is to drive traffic to his landing page.
By using Facebook ads is able to send highly targeted traffic there.
For example, he could target everyone who follows Michael Hyatt.
Why Michael Hyatt? Because he just ran a series of webinars and launched a WordPress theme and the #1 goal of those products was to build your platform so you could launch a profitable business.
Which means Michael’s readers have launching on their mind. That’s good for Jeff because his book is on that exact subject.
Targeted Traffic = Good.
Once you click on the Facebook ad your are taken to the main landing page.
The landing page is a big deal.
The traffic sent there has to convert to the next page. For every person that visits and doesn’t make it to the next page, he loses money.
Mission: Get all visitors to the next page.
There are three key elements that make this landing page work.
1. Video: Jeff uses a short video to tell you exactly what is in the book. He does a good job of being concise and laying out the results you can see from implementing his methods.
Video tends to convert a lower overall % of traffic on these types of landing pages but the quality of the people that do convert is higher.
2. Opt-in Box: The central element of the page is this box. The button color contrasts with the rest of the page and immediately attracts your eyes. This is the singular call to action on the page and is designed to get you to immediately take action.
3. Value: Just below the opt-in box is one sentence that reminds you that the book, once officially released, will cost $17.99 but you are getting it for $5.99 (shipping cost). This reinforces your original intent of coming to the page and gives you that last little kick in the butt to fill out the form.
Once you fill out this form you are taken to the order confirmation page.

This is where the sale is made and money is exchanged OR you lose them altogether.
Every element of this page is intended to re-assure and drive home the key selling points made in the Facebook ad and on the landing page.
Mission: Make them feel confident you are legit and remind them why they are here.
There are 4 key elements that make this happen.
1. Breakdown: In the upper right hand corner is a quick recap of what is covered in the book. This helps to jog my memory of why I wanted the book and clicked that ad in the first place.
2. Contact Information: If I have made it this far it means I am serious about buying. However, I might still have reservations about who Jeff is and his legitimacy.
Does he know what he is talking about?
Is he some weirdo fly by night guy?
By providing an email address and phone number this positions him as being more contactable and his creep factor decreases even further.
I probably won’t be calling to chat before I order, but just having that option makes me feel better.
3. Testimonials: The most powerful way to sell anything is word of mouth. By providing testimonials from other experts in the industry, Jeff uses word of mouth to remove any remaining doubts his visitors might have had.
At the end of the day, I might not know Jeff or I might get a weird vibe from him, but if I see that Michael Hyatt trusts him that immediately gives Jeff legitimacy.
Trust in Michael = Trust in Jeff.
4. Order Summary: It is important that Jeff not make his visitors feel like he is making money off of shipping and that he is legitimately giving them a gift. By plainly showing the price breakdown this helps to reinforce that message.
If, by the time I get to this page, I feel like he has tricked me into giving him $5.99 for a ‘FREE’ book and that shipping isn’t a legitimate cost, then he loses my trust and the order.
Once the “Send my Book” button is pressed you are taken to the Thank You page.
Pay close attention to what is going on in this next step. That is where the magic is happening.

Quick Recap:
First, Jeff showed me an ad in Facebook by precisely targeting my interest and likes.
Second, when I clicked on the ad I landed on a page who’s sole purpose was to tell me about the book and get me to the next page.
Third, the order form reaffirmed the reason I originally clicked on the ad and made me feel good about Jeff being a legit dude. I entered my information and ordered the book.
After ordering the book I was sent to a generic looking Thank You page. But it is far from your normal everyday Thank You page.
The purpose of this page isn’t to tell me “thank you”. It is specifically designed is to get me to buy a related product.
But it does so without losing the trust of people who are not interested by not even showing them the offer.
Here are the core elements of how it works:
1. “Thank You” Message: By asking me to “watch this video for the next steps” he is able to keep my attention because he tied in the video (which contains his next offer) to the previous purchase.
When I first saw this note I immediately thought, “Well I need to watch this so I don’t miss any important details about the book.”
2. Video: The video is related to the book but it’s purpose is to tell me about another product. It’s main goal is to sell a related course called “Launching Your List 2.0” which costs $197. The video briefly talks about the book and how one of the key elements to any launch is building your email list.
Then he spend 90 seconds telling me about the course.
For anyone that leaves the page before the end of the video, that is all they see. A quick “Thank You” and a video. No offer.
However, if you stick around and watch the video all of the way through a button with an offer appears right below the video.
3. Call to action: The yellow button that you see is setup to keep people who are not interested from feeling like he is ‘just trying to sell them something else’.
By waiting to show the button until the very end he does not burn any good will with his less interested viewers and builds anticipation and urgency for those that are interested.
For those that do see it and are interested he’s made the ordering process extremely easy. The only thing they need to do to order is click the button.
…they don’t have to enter payment information.
…they aren’t forwarded to another order confirmation page.
…there is not a dedicated sales page for the course that they have to click through.
Just the video and a button, that is it. Super simple.
All of their order information is carried over from the previous page. So, once the button is clicked your $197 course upsell is immediately processed.
VERY smooth and friction free. So much so that it is almost shocking when you go through it yourself.
That process is called a “one click upsell.”

Once you click the yellow “buy button” in step 4 you are immediately charged $197 and sent to the final Thank You page.
It’s not over yet though. The final Thank You page doesn’t overtly sell anything else, but it does set up the last piece of the sales funnel.
1. Bonuses: The bonuses mentioned on the original sales page and in this thank you page are actually a series of emails to upsell Jeff’s flagship product “Product Launch Formula.”
As a part of his launch sequence for Product Launch Formula, he has put together a series of three videos that educates you on the foundational principles and gives you a ton of free information.
Your bonus for ordering the book are these three videos.
At the end of three videos you will get an offer for the full course which costs $2,000.
Smart right?
When you buy his book you are upsold a $197 product then put into an email sequence to be upsold a $2,000 product within the next 10 days.
All of the sudden I like $5.99 products :).
2. Sharing: Lastly, you are encouraged to share the book launch page with your friends. This is the one area that Jeff could have done a better job on. By including click to tweet links his share rate on this page would have increased greatly. He got a little lazy here at the end.
However, don’t let that overshadow the greater strategy here.
The 5 second version of all of that
- Jeff sales his book for $5.99 (shipping fee)
- After payment he pitches you a related product for $197
- You receive a free ‘bonus’ of 3 educational videos
- At the end of the bonus videos you receive an offer for a $2,000 product
Why does this work?
Did you ever attempt to kiss a girl within the first 5 minutes of your first date?
If you are wondering if it works, the answer is no. Don’t ask me how I know…I just do.
Have you ever brought a girl flowers on your first date?
That tends to work a lot better.
Getting to know someone by giving is very effective.
And that is why the “Thank You’ formula works so well. Jeff starts his relationship with you by:
1. Showing up in a familiar place (Facebook)
2. Giving you something of value to start the relationship (his book).
Then, just like in any relationship, once you have expressed interest he goes in for the ‘ask.’ But he isn’t obnoxious or annoying about it.
In fact he goes above and beyond to make sure those that are not interested never get asked and for those that are interested he makes it completely pain free to order.
How To Implement
Not going to lie here, this is an advanced strategy. Which is why most people don’t use it.
But you don’t read this site for little league stuff.
You need to be using this.
If you have multiple products. Link them together with the “Thank You” Formula.
Only have one product? Create a $5.99 version and link it to your flagship product.
The implementation varies a good bit based on what shopping cart you use to sell your products.
For example: If you use FoxyCart you have to do a ton of custom coding but if you are on Infusionsoft it’s pretty easy.
To make it super simple for you I’ve researched and put together a list of how to implement a one click upsell on some of the popular shopping cart platforms (Shopify, Infusionsoft etc.).
I’ve also put this formula into an easy to follow checklist to make it simple when you get to the implementation stage. You’ll need it.
Both the shopping cart instructions and the implementation checklist are in the bonus section. (Click here to access )